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大道管理(The Integral Management of Tao)
Revealed for the first time, ancient Taoist texts of limitless wisdom provide keys to powerful thought processes, position and promotion, unbeatable negotiation, positive attitudes, creativity, achievement skills, and more to help readers obtain genuine success. Unparalleled completeness in scope and techniques. Overwhelming reviews.
Item IMT: 270 pgs. ISBN: 0942196082. $29.95

黄老智慧(The Wisdom of Yellow Emporer and Lao Zi)

大道自医养生学 (The Complete System of Self-healing)
Unique, safe, practical and immediately effective, Internal Exercises energize the entire body, promote effective functions of the internal orgons, dissolve stress and tension, prevent health problems, heal, regenerate, and do much more without strenuous exercises or equipment. This textbook of many universities contains healing exercises for over 30 Common ailments. Recommended as one of the “books bosses read” in Fortune.
Item CSSH: 224 pgs. ISBN: 0942196066. $23.95

大道(The Great Tao)
Health. Happiness. Longevity. Wisdom. Spiritual evolution. Universal truths of proven, limitless value. The only thorough treatise on Taoist philosophy filled with practical techniques for immediate life improvement. Especially comprehensive on I-Ching (universal life strategies), Taoist Herbology (methods of self-diagnosis, easy utilization of miraculous healing herbal formulas), full illustrations of Acupressure healing art applied to oneself and others. Much, much more.
Item GT: 464 pgs. ISBN: 0942196015. $30.95

大道膳食学 (The Tao of Balanced Diet-Secrets of Thin and Healthy Body)
Shows why stomach, digestive tract, health and weight problems are related to dietary imbalance and why it’s so easy to correct. Complete, delicious, easy-to-prepare, low cholesterol and fat 100-day diet plan controls weight naturally, safely, and enjoyably for a slim and completely healthy body. Featured in the New York Times and Los Angeles Times. Popular in the Americas (North and South), Australia, and Europe (bestseller in France, Italy, and Switzerland).
Item TBD: 200 pgs. ISBN: 0942196058. $20.95

科学的内丹功 (The Tao of Sexology)
Unique and extraordinary methods for healing and regeneration, complete satisfaction, STD and health problem prevention (even the deadliest for both sexes), immune system strengthening, age process retardation, mental and spiritual bonding and well-being, and much more. E.g.: Million-Dollar Point (improves climax without depletion), Nine Steps to (unparalleled) Orgasm, Male and Female Exercises for boundless strength and energy, and much more. The information is simply stated and complete.
Item TS: 224 pgs. ISBN: 0942196031. $24.95

本书根据易经哲学与其科学的体系,明晰指出宇宙运行的规律,从而导出做人处世的原理、原则和细则。分别详细举出成功人士的经历和自述,以例证、事实,帮助读者参透人生,认识人群社会,严肃对待生命的恩赐,做一个成功和不朽,对人类有贡献的伟人。本书只有中文本。 大道出版社。

针灸全书 (The Complete Book of Accupuncture )
SOLD OUT (to be replaced in the future by another title, which will be announced when available).
美国医学院的教科书,是美国第一本也是唯一的一本针灸教科书。美国内华达州,国立内华达大学医学院院长,教授DeWitt C Baldwin Jr.医学博士,对本书这样写道:“此书是写得最完善,最清晰的书,特别是容易阅读。这是我曾经读过的医学书籍中,最满意,最具学术性,最实用,而且最能提起兴趣的一本真正的好书。” 本书没有中文本。

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